CUA5-2421: Southwest Rock Climbing for Adults

Course Code: CUA5-2421

Start Date: 3/23/24

End Date: 3/30/24

Utah’s canyon country is home to some of the most iconic and stunning rock climbing destinations in the world. On this course, you’ll learn all the fundamentals to confidently sport climb in the desert. Experience the incredible feeling of accomplishing a route and enjoying views from the top. Learn about the rich geologic and cultural history of the region. Spend your evenings connecting with your fellow crewmates around the fire. Master your desert camping and Leave No Trace skills. By the end of course, you’ll know how to build anchors, belay, climb cracks, and find routes. Every day on this expedition will be an opportunity to expand your comfort zone and connect with the natural world. Previous experience is not necessary, and you do not need to be an all-star athlete. Enthusiasm for trying new things is the most important thing to bring to this adventure.

Course Areas

Moab, Utah

The most spectacular aspects of the Utah landscape are the hidden treasures found within its vast canyon networks, formed by millennia of wind and water. The canyons are composed of a spell-binding labyrinth of towering walls, arches, and slot canyons just waiting to be explored. On course, these vibrant formations are a geological playground for scrambling and teamwork. Climbing courses get to experience the beauty of these canyons up close and from high above the trees. With red rock walls and towers standing hundreds of feet high, it’s no wonder that Utah's canyon country is a world-renowned climbing destination. The desert ecosystem is characterized by aromatic plants like sagebrush and birds soaring high above canyon walls. 

Photo: F4D Studios |📍These regions are the ancestral lands of the Ute, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux, Eastern Shoshone, Jicarilla Apache, and Pueblos Nations. 

What is a land acknowledgment?

At the Colorado Outward Bound School, we include land acknowledgments in our work as a formal way to recognize and respect the traditional territories and Indigenous Peoples as stewards of the land. It is important to understand and acknowledge the comprehensive past, present, and future of the places we travel and to seek to understand our role therein. To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation we give to the Indigenous Peoples who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial. Read more about land acknowledgments at Outward Bound here


Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing creates opportunities for students to enterprise their curiosity, practice tenacity and perseverance, and learn skills which will progress them to greater heights. Climbing allows learning of new body mechanics, balance, and energy maintenance techniques which will help students climb efficiently and unlock the incredible feeling of flowing up a route. Students will learn there are many ways to climb the same rock, allowing each climber to solve the puzzle in their own individual way. During this section, students will learn basic climbing techniques, helmet and harness use, climbing commands and belaying, and anchor building principles. Depending on the length of the section, students may have the opportunity to attempt multi-pitch climbs or lead climbing.

 Photo: Joe Kubis |📍Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute) lands

Guided Reflection and Transference

At Outward Bound we believe there is no learning without reflection. Throughout course, you will be prompted to reflect on what you’re experiencing on course, and what it means in the greater context of your life. Sometimes this is a journaling exercise, sometimes a group sharing experience, and sometimes a moment of solitude to sit and think. You spend focused time toward course progression end exploring how your new knowledge, skills and attributes can apply to your life after course.

Challenge Event

A Challenge Event may occur at the end of a student's course experience. These are opportunities to test the perseverance, endurance, and grit that you've developed on course. A challenge event might be individual, like long run or peak attempt. Your event might be a group focused challenge, including long final travel days or group challenges that require all of the skills and teamwork your groups has learned. The purpose of a challenge event is to help students realize the extent of their growth, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and to take home these learnings in an unforgettable way.


Service is a pillar of the Outward Bound experience. On each course, students learn to practice intentional service to themselves, to others and to the environment. This may look like practicing self-care or supporting a crewmate who is having a hard day. Participants also learn to Leave No Trace ethics, practicing service to the environment by preserving and respecting the fragile ecosystems they encounter. Students experience firsthand the social and emotional benefits of acts of service. They are encouraged to bring this ethic of care to their life back home.    

Sample Itinerary
Sample Itinerary

The following is an example of what your itinerary may look like. Your actual course plan will vary according to weather, your group’s skills and abilities, and Instructor preferences.
Day 1: Course Start: course are familiarization and issue gear. Introduction to camping and climbing safety. 
Day 2-4: Rock Climbing: learn to belay and rock climb with a rope and harness. Practice techniques in crack climbing. Develop rope management, knot tying, and anchor building skills.
Day 5-7: Climbing Challenge Event: utilize new climbing and leadership skills to attempt a climbing challenge event with your crew. Opportunity for Solo experience. 
Day 8: Course End: course end ceremonies and departure home. 
What You’ll Learn

Our expeditions help students grow into the best version of themselves. We use adventure in the outdoors to help students discover their strengths and build authentic connections with their peers. Compassion for oneself and others is foundational to the Outward Bound experience. As students develop outdoor skills, they also gain confidence and leadership tools that will last a lifetime. Course outcomes include: 

  • Belonging – students form deep connections founded upon respect, inclusion, and compassion 
  • Reflection – students learn self-awareness and practice empathy towards others 
  • Physical Engagement – students develop awareness and confidence in their bodies 
  • Courage – students develop the confidence to speak up for themselves and persevere through challenges

Watch to Learn More

Tuition and Travel Insurance


You can pay your tuition online through your Applicant Portal or make the payment over the phone by calling 720-381-6589.  

If your payment is not received by the due date listed in your Enrollment Email and on your Applicant Portal, you will risk losing your spot on course and your $500 deposit. Please review our Admissions and Cancellation Policies. 

Travel Insurance 

Airfare, travel costs, and non-refundable tuition payments are expensive. Insurance to protect your trip and course is strongly encouraged. We recommend insuring these costs from the third-party provider InsureMyTrip. This provider has coverage options that include travel costs and non-refundable tuition costs. For more information and to receive a free quote, click here. 

COVID Precautions

Click here for COBS COVID-19 Program Practices